"Hacker telah me-launching serangan untuk 200 juta pengguna Facebook, Kamis (14/5), dan hacker telah sukses mengumpulkan password dari jutaan user tersebut dalam rangka mencari mangsa member situs jejaring social tersebut. Juru bicara Facebook, Barry Schnitt, Kamis (14/5) mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya sedang membersihkan kerusakan serangan tersebut. Schnitt menambahkan bahwa Facebook kini telah memblokir account yang sudah terkena serangan hacker ini. Namun, Schnitt menolak mengatakan berapa banyak account yang telah terinfeksi.
Hacker mendapatkan password melalui apa yang dinamakan serangan phishing, menjebol beberapa account member Facebook, kemudian mengirim email ke teman pengguna Facebook, dan membujuk user untuk mengklik link ke website palsu Facebook. Situs palsu Facebook tersebut didesain tampak sama seperti homepage Facebook. Member yang jadi korban akan didorong untuk login kembali ke situs tersebut, namun sebenarnya login ke website yang dikontrol oleh hacker, sambil menunggu password mereka. Pada dasarnya, menurut Schnitt, serangan hacker tersebut lebih kepada pencurian dan penyebaran spam.
Domain palsu Facebook adalah www.151.im, www.121.im, dan www.123.im. Namun, kini Facebook telah menghapus semua referensi ke domain-domain tersebut. Schnitt mengatakan bahwa tim Facebook mereka percaya bahwa hacker berusaha untuk mengumpulkan sejumlah besar hal rahasia user, termasuk password, kemudian menggunakan account mereka di lain waktu untuk mengirim spam berupa promosi obat kimia dan barang-barang lain ke member Facebook."
Sumber: kaskus.us
Ga lama,saya logout scara otomatis dan password yg dipakai ga brfungsi.
Trus,saya cek e-mail, facebook ngirim pesan.
"Security Warning From Facebook
Selasa, 26 Mei, 2009 20:15:59
Add sender to Contacts
We have detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have reset your password as a security precaution. It is possible that malicious software was downloaded to your computer or that your password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook. Please carefully follow the steps provided:
1. Run Anti-Virus Software: If your computer has been infected with a virus or with malware, you will need to run anti-virus software to remove these harmful programs and keep your information secure. For Microsoft:
For Apple:
2. Reset Password: Be sure that you use a complex string of numbers, letters, and punctuation marks that is at least six characters in length.
To reset your password, follow the link below:
(If clicking on the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it into your browser.)
3. Never Click Suspicious Links: It is possible that your friends could unwillingly send spam, viruses, or malware through Facebook if their accounts are infected. Do not click this material and do not run any .exe files on your computer without knowing what they are. Also, be sure to use the most current version of your browser as they contain important security warnings and protection features.
4. Log in at Facebook.com: Make sure that when you access the site, you always log in from a legitimate Facebook page with the facebook.com domain. If something looks or feels suspicious, go directly to www.facebook.com to log in.
5. Report Suspicious Activity: Please visit the following pages for further information about Facebook security and information on reporting material: http://www.facebook.com/help.php?page=420 and http://www.facebook.com/security.
Once you have performed all these steps, your account should once again be secure. Please be sure to visit the Facebook Help Center for further information regarding these security issues and let us know if you need assistance.
Facebook Security Team."
Stelah it,saya reset password-ny n brfungsi kmbali.
Buat yg uda trlanjur kna hack(ditandai dgn ilangny akun dan ga ad notifikasi dr fb k e-mail) silakan kontak lgsg admin fb utk pnyelesaian.